School Events

Middle School – Ultimate Student’s Guide to The Best School Dance Ever!

When you go to your first school dance, there is going to be a lot of excitement.  With Middle School Dances, the emphasis is on fun. It’s an amazing opportunity to meet new people and have a good time. But where do you start? Never fear, this post will guide you through all the things you need to consider so that you are ready for the fun, so read on and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us at the end.

What Can I Expect to Happen At Middle School Dance?

Middle school dances are usually held in the gym or cafeteria. If it’s your first time going to one, don’t worry about dressing up too fancy — most people don’t wear anything special.

You’ll probably have some free time before the dance starts so that you can get ready for it. You may want to bring makeup, hairspray and other hair products with you so that you can touch up your look once you’re there. Just check with you school to make sure you don’t bring anything that is not permitted.

Once the dance starts, there will be music playing in the background while kids hang out and talk with their friends. There may be some games on the dance floor or just off to the side where students can play together during breaks between songs. Some dances even have contests where students sign up ahead of time and compete against each other for prizes like gift cards or stuffed animals!

What about the actual Dancing?

There are many ways to dance at school. You may choose to go solo and dance by yourself, or you may choose to ask someone to dance with you.

Ask someone – Approach who you want to dance with and just ask if they can dance with you. If they say no, don’t take it personally. If they say yes, don’t forget to thank them for dancing with you!

Solo Dance – Feel free to dance solo as well, whether it be in a group setting or at home alone. If you’re having trouble finding people to dance with, try taking some classes at your local community center or YMCA/YWCA center and meet new people that way!

Social Dance – Social dances are usually done in groups of two or more people who are dancing together as a couple or group of friends looking for a good time. These dances usually don’t have any steps; instead, they focus on the interaction between dancers and their ability to move freely without worrying about steps like in ballroom dancing.

How Not to Be Awkward At School Dances

Here are some tips for how not to be awkward at school dances:

Don’t try too hard. If you’re nervous about going to a middle school dance, don’t worry! Everyone else is too! Don’t worry about making mistakes — everyone else is making them too. And don’t worry about talking to people — everyone else is trying too! If you want someone’s attention, just go up and talk to them like they’re a normal person. You’ll be fine!

Remember that it’s just like any other party — except that it’s at school and has some extra rules. You’re allowed to have fun as long as it doesn’t break any rules or get anyone in trouble (and especially if it doesn’t get your teacher in trouble).

Don’t stress out about what other people think of you. This is a common issue for middle schoolers who are entering their tween years and going through puberty. It’s important not to let what other people think hold you back from having fun at school dances.

Practice dancing with your friends so that you don’t look like a total newbie when it’s time to hit the dance floor with your date (if you’re bringing one). These days, most middle school dances have a “couples” theme so even if you don’t have someone to go with, there’s no shame in asking someone else to be your partner!

Dress comfortably, but not too casual! You want to look nice while still being comfortable enough to dance around freely. Don’t wear high heels if you’ll be spending the whole night on concrete floors—they’ll kill your feet!

If things do get awkward between you and your date (or dance-partner), just smile and say something funny like “don’t worry, this will all be over soon.”  A little comedy will help break the awkwardness.

How To Dance and Not Look Awkward

You can take dance lessons or watch some YouTube videos to get started. It’s easy to look awkward when you’re just learning how to dance, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to enjoy yourself and have fun without feeling self-conscious about your skills.

• Listen to the beat and dance in time with it
• Loosen up
• Match your intensity to the music
• Enjoy the moment
• Remember that everyone else is nervous too

Do You Have to Dance at A Middle School Dance?

No, but you should! Dancing is a big part of the fun. Remember that everyone else at the middle school dance probably feels as awkward as you do! If you see someone standing alone, go up and talk to them — they might just want some company! And if someone else is standing alone, invite them to dance with you. It’s better than just standing there by yourself. The best way to avoid feeling awkward at a middle school dance is to just relax and go with the flow. You don’t need to know every single move or have perfect coordination — just try your best and have fun!

Some tips for Slow Dancing

Slow dancing is the perfect opportunity to get close to a crush, but it can be pretty intimidating if you’ve never done it before. If you’re nervous about slow dancing with your crush at your middle school dance, try these tips:

When someone asks you to dance and you would like to dance with them, smile and say “yes.” Then follow their lead as they put their hands on your waist or shoulder and guide you around the floor together. Don’t worry about doing something wrong — just enjoy yourself!

Don’t be afraid of being close with your dance partner. It’s okay if you feel nervous at first because most people do when they slow dance for the first time, but don’t worry about it because it will pass once you get used to dancing with each other.

Once the song ends and you’re done slow dancing you might wonder what to do next. You could simply smile at your partner and say “Thank you for dancing with me” and then if you do not want to continue dancing with them “Enjoy the rest of the night”.  If you would like to spend more time with your dance partner then you could say something like “Would you like to come get a drink with me?” or “I hope we get another chance to dance tonight”

Avoid the Drama

Drama, or problems between students, is something that starts small but can grow out of control quickly. Don’t let drama get to you. Some people will want to start drama with you or about you, but try not to let it bother you too much. Keep calm and move on from anything that happens. Don’t let things get under your skin—it’s not worth it!

Getting Ready for School Dance – 8 Steps

  1. Decide what to wear and shop for it
    • Consider the dress code that your school has for the dance
    • Talk with your friends about what they are wearing – ladies usually want to avoid wearing the same thing (It happens but don’t fret if this does happens to you!)
    • Choose something that will be comfortable to dance in for a few hours
    • Guys: A formal suit or Tux are most often an example of ‘too much’
    • Ladies: High heels are pretty difficult to dance in and in no way necessary
    • Make sure you’re not going to be too hot or cold – Consider a jacked or coat that can be taken off if moving between heated and non-heated areas.
    • Make sure you look like you have made some effort but don’t go over the top
    • If you’re taking a date, think about if your outfits go well together – they don’t need to match but you should make sure they don’t clash for your photos
  2. Make sure the date is marked on the calendar to help avoid clashes
  3. Have a plan for how you will get there and home again.  If you’re going to a middle school dance then most often your parents will take you by car.
  4. Allow yourself enough time to get ready so you’re not rushed.  Don’t forget to allow time for ironing clothes, having a shower, doing hair/makeup
  5. Leave for the dance a little early – consider what the traffic will be like at the date and time that you will be leaving and make sure you are not going to be stuck and stressing out in traffic!
  6. Have a meal before you leave – Have something that you are used to eating so you don’t risk an upset stomach at the dance – don’t eat too much either to avoid feeling bloated.
  7. Charge your phone so you can snap photos with your friends without worrying that you won’t have enough charge to call your parents if needed
  8. Agree on a meeting place and time with your friends and/or date before the day so you’re not feeling anxious about finding them when you arrive.

In Conclusion – Middle school dances can be a lot of fun if you go in with an open mind and don’t sweat the small stuff. Plan ahead so you’re not stressing about things on the day. Most importantly remember that your peers are all about as experienced as you are and will be feeling the same mix of excitement and anxiety as you feel.  Talk about things with your friends and remember to be gentle with each – If you and your friends consciously focus on making it a happy and memorable time you will all have the best dance ever!

School Camp – What You Need to Know Before Going on School Camp

This guide is here to give you a heads up on what to expect from school camp and what to bring. We’ve covered everything from preparing for school camp, packing list, activities info and everything else you need to know about school camp.

School camps are a great way to try new things and meet new people. They also provide an opportunity to practise independence skills and learn new things in a safe environment.

The following tips will help you get the most out of your school camp experience:

  • Plan what you want to do at school camp before you go so that you can take advantage of all the activities on offer.
  • Be responsible for yourself and follow directions given by staff and teachers at all times.
  • Be polite, courteous and respectful towards everyone at school camp including teachers, other students and parents/carers who may be visiting during the day or staying overnight with their children.

How To Prepare for Having A Great Time At School Camp

Here are some tips on how to prepare for having a great time at school camp:

  1. Get enough sleep before school camp starts. If you feel tired, you will not be able to enjoy yourself as much or learn as much from the activities that are going on around you. It is important to get enough sleep in order to have energy throughout the day.
  2. Come with an open mind and get involved. Going to camp puts you into a new environment so embrace it or you might as well stay at home
  3. Prepare your clothes and personal items in advance. Don’t get caught out by something you forgot! Make sure that everything that you need is packed up properly so that there will be no last-minute searching for essentials like deodorant or shampoo!

School Camp Packing List – What to Bring

Packing for school camp is exciting and Camp can be tricky if you forget something. Below is a list of what I recommend bringing. Please note that there are no lockers at school camp, so it’s important to pack light and only take what you need!

  • Clothes including
    • socks
    • underwear
    • Comfortable daytime clothes appropriate for the climate of where you are staying (you probably want a new set of clothes each day)
    • bathing suit / swim-shirt
    • Sun hat
    • warm clothes for the evening
    • shoes for walking
    • flip-flops for the showers
    • pyjamas
  • A sleeping bag
  • A pillow case and pillow (or a sleeping bag liner)
  • A torch or headlamp (and batteries)
  • toiletries,
  • Sunscreen (at least 30+ SPF),
  • insect repellent
  • lip balm with sun protection factor 15+ or higher
  • Snacks
  • Small games (e.g., travel games) to play with your friends during down-time
  • Bring along some spending money with you so that if there are any extras (such as snacks) available at school camp, then they will not cost anything extra out of your pocket!

What Will Happen at School Camp?

You should prepare for having an open mind and being ready for some challenges. But it’s also about enjoying yourself and spending time with your friends so don’t forget to pack games and books or whatever you like to do when you’re having fun hanging out with your friends outside of school!

The full range of activities offered at school camps varies from one camp to another, but most camps will offer some activities in common. These include:

  1. Swimming is one of the most popular activities that people do at school camp. Swimming is a great way to keep fit and healthy. And it’s also very relaxing!
  2. Hiking is another popular activity at school camp. Hiking is good exercise, but also gives you time to be alone with your thoughts and enjoy nature.
  3. Canoeing or kayaking is a fun way to explore rivers, lakes or oceans! You might even see some wildlife along the way!
  4. Archery or rifle shooting for older students. Archery or rifle shooting are great ways to practice your skills as well as have fun with friends from other schools!
  5. Creative arts is often an option at school camps – many schools include art and music classes as part of their program at school camp. Activities can include drama, dance and photography.
  6. Crafts – You’ll also learn how to do different kinds of arts and crafts, like drawing, painting and sculpting.
  7. Swimming is a very popular activity at school camp – especially in the warmer months.
  8. Science activities that are designed to be fun and challenging, so you’ll get a real sense of achievement from completing them successfully
  9. Woodwork classes are often the most popular class at school camp. Woodworking classes teach students how to safely use power tools and build a variety of projects
  10. Campfire cooking classes are a fun way for students to learn about camping and cooking on an open fire.Games
  11. Movie nights – People always have amazing stories about their school camps and one of the most popular ones is when they talk about movie nights at their camps. Movie nights are probably one of the most fun activities that happen during school camps. Kids get together, watch some of their favourite movies, eat popcorn and generally have a great time together.
  12. Storytelling – You can tell stories about anything – your own life or made-up ones about monsters and fairies. If you want to try something different why not write your own story?

What If I Get Homesick at School Camp?

You can feel homesick at school camp. The first few nights can be hard. You might miss your family, your friends or your pets. But don’t worry! You’re not alone and there are lots of things you can do to help yourself feel better.

If you have a friend who is going on the same trip as you, make sure that you spend time together every day. It might help if one of your friends goes with their parents on an outing or tries something new like rock climbing or horse riding. You could even arrange for your group leader or parent helper to take photos of your group doing things together so that everyone gets into the photos!

Doing activities together as part of your day program helps create bonds between campers, which makes it easier for everyone to feel comfortable at camp.

Here are a few more tips to deal with homesickness when you’re on school camp:

  1. Talk about it with other people in your group or cabin
  2. Write a letter to someone at home (but don’t send it)
  3. Play games with other people in your group or cabin
  4. Write down all the good things about being away from home (and show this list to someone if you want).
  5. Look at photos of your family and friends back home so that when you do see them again, they will seem even more special than ever!
  6. Call home every day – it will make you feel closer to them and take away some of your homesickness
  7. Make friends with other students and hang out with them – this will help you get over your loneliness quickly
  8. Talk to the counsellors or teachers – they want to hear about how you are feeling, so they can help in any way they can

School Camp can be a wonderful and memorable experience.  If you’re preparing for School Camp is a really fun experience and it only takes one or two days to make a bunch of new friends. You could end up meeting some great people that you wouldn’t have met in your day-to-day life at school or even your neighbourhood. You never know who might end up being your next best friend!

First day of middle school – Ultimate Student Guide

Welcome to the Ultimate Student Guide on your first day of middle school! I’m Jo, and I’ll be your guide through the year. I’ve been a student teacher for 6 years now, and have seen the highs and lows of this journey. Here are some tips that I wish someone had told me when I was all nervous and unsure!

What To Bring to The First Day of Middle School?

The first day of middle school can be an exciting time for students and their families, but it also can be a stressful one.

If you’re not sure what you need to bring to the first day of middle school, here are some things to consider:

School supplies. Go shopping with your parents early, before the school year starts and buy anything that is on your school supplies list that you don’t already have – including uniforms.

Food – A healthy lunch for the first day is a must. It’s a good idea to pack a few snacks too, especially if you take public transport home in the afternoon.

Organise The Materials That You Need for Day One of Middle School

Check your class schedule to see what classes you have each day – If there are any materials that you need for class, bring them with you so that they’re available during class time. You can also leave these materials at home if it turns out that they’re not needed or useful in class.

Try On Your Uniform Before the First Day

Before you head to school for the first time, try on your uniform. Make sure that it fits you properly and that it looks good. If you have any questions or concerns, talk with your parents about them at home before you go to school the next day.

Print Out Your Class Schedule and Plan How to Get to Classes. If you are taking the bus, make sure you know when the bus arrives and what route it takes. You can also plan where you will park your car when arriving at school.

If you have questions about how to get to classes, talk with your teacher or parent about it before going to school.

Have A Plan for The Year / Have Some Goals?

Planning and goal setting is a very important part of middle school. In order to get a good start in your new school, you need to have a plan for the year, but also set some goals for yourself. During the first couple of weeks of school, ask your teacher or guidance counsellor what they would like you to focus on during this time. This will help your teacher know where they can help you and will give you some ideas about what you could achieve this year.

What Classes Should I Sign Up for In Middle School?

Before you can decide what courses to take in middle school, you should think about the subjects that interest you and find out what they’re like. For example, if you like art or music and would like to study in a class that uses these subjects, you’ll need to ask your teacher if there’s one available.

Be Ready for Group Work in Middle School

Middle schoolers are more likely to be encouraged to work together in group projects. This is because middle school teachers often want students to learn how to collaborate with others, solve problems and think critically. Group projects allow you to practice these skills while working with your friends.

In Middle School there’s a good chance that your class will be split up into groups and given specific tasks: maybe one person will be in charge of research and another person will be responsible for writing up an outline while another student writes the paper itself. Or maybe all three people will each do one part of the paper — making sure it’s grammatically correct, making sure it has enough facts and figures to back up its arguments, etc.

Group work can be fun! But it can also be stressful if you’re not used to working with other people on projects or if you’re shy about sharing ideas with other people.  Be prepared for a mix of personalities in your group and try approach the challenge with a friendly and open mind!

Be Ready for More Responsibility in Middle School

You’ll have to get used to being away from your parents, and being responsible for yourself during the school day. You’ll be expected to keep track of your homework and assignments, and organize your time so you can get everything done. You might even have some choices to make — like deciding which classes to take or how much time to spend on homework each night.

Be ready for homework on weekends and during summer vacation. Middle school teachers expect students to keep up with classwork on weekends and during summer vacation just like they would during regular school hours. The same goes for teachers who assign papers or projects outside of class time; they expect students to do work when they’re not in class so that they can help them if they get stuck somewhere along the way.

Focus on getting along with your classmates. It might not seem important now, but in high school, it’s all about who your friends are. Try to keep up with old friends from elementary school — they’ll be more likely to help you out as you get older if they know that you’re still friends with them!

Try Harder in The Classes You Hate

You may not have been excited about math or science when you were younger, but it’s important that you do well in those subjects now because they’re considered “gateway” courses. They’re required for most high school courses and SAT tests. And good grades will look good on college applications.

Focus On Getting Along with Your Classmates.

It might not seem important now, but in high school, it’s all about who your friends are. Try to keep up with old friends from elementary school — they’ll be more likely to help you out as you get older if they know that you’re still friends with them!

Here Are A Few More Tips to Help You Make This Transition a Positive Experience:

  1. Explore your new environment. Find out where the restrooms and cafeteria are located, locate your classes and get comfortable with the layout of the school building before it gets too crazy at lunchtime or after school.
  2. Meet new people. You’ll probably have a few classes with students you know from elementary school but most of your classmates won’t be familiar faces — so go ahead and introduce yourself!
  3. Get involved in extracurricular activities. Whether it’s sports, music or theatre, joining clubs and organizations is a great way to meet new friends who share similar interests and talents.
  4. Make plans for after school activities that interest you — whether it’s playing sports at recess or practicing piano after dinner — so you don’t just sit around waiting for it to end each day.
  5. Ask questions! If something confuses you or doesn’t seem right, don’t wait until tomorrow — ask an adult about it right away

Hopefully, this guide has provided some valuable insights on the middle school years. It can be an emotional time, to say the least. Be sure to take care of your academic needs and communicate with your parents regularly. Also be mindful of your friends. Middle school can be tough sometimes, but you’ll be better prepared for it by making connections and attending extracurricular activities today. You’re already halfway there!

I hope you enjoyed reading these ideas. I have more tips on the way, so stay tuned. Please feel free to comment on any article.